Monday, August 27, 2007

Going Green In Your Office The Easy Way

Going Green In Your Office The Easy Way

Author: Brandi Cummings

Many of us want to be responsible citizens of the Earth. We think about the effects our lifestyles have on the environment. We are concerned about global warming. We want to ensure our children's future on this planet is one that still has clean air to breathe, an abundance of trees and wildlife, and clean water to drink. However, many of us also think that the sacrifices might be too great to "go green" in our own office. Good news. It's not as difficult as you think.

There are 3 areas where you can make a significant impact without significant expense or inconvenience: paper, lights, and electronics.

The average American office worker throws out about 150 pounds of paper per year. Paper manufacturing contributes to the deforestation of the planet and in America is responsible for 35 million tons of CO2 a year. So what can you do? Buy recycled paper. Make full use of that paper by printing on both sides and/or using paper that is only printed on one side for scratch paper. Do your proofreading and edits on your computer before printing to reduce the number of prints you make. Re-use file folders by placing new labels over the old ones. All of these changes are easy to make but have a big impact. Pretty painless, right?

Another way you can go green in your office is as easy as changing a light bulb. In fact, it is changing a light bulb. Incandescent bulbs use 4 times more energy than is necessary to produce light. Halogen lights can get as hot as 1,100 degrees Fahrenheit. That's hot enough to cook an egg! Alternately, Energy Star certified compact fluorescent lights (CFL's) use 75% less energy to produce the same amount of light, last 10 times longer and produce less heat. If you feel like you need even more reason to switch to CFL's, consider that you will also save money over the lifetime of the bulb. Once you have made the switch to energy efficient bulbs, make sure lights are turned off when they are not needed. A great way to ensure that this happens is with motion sensors that will turn the lights off when everyone has left the room.

38% of all of the carbon dioxide emissions come from the electricity we generate. That electricity is used to power all sorts of things. A major drain on our electricity is all of our office equipment such as computers, copiers, printers, and fax machines. When going green with your electronics, you need to look at 3 factors. You need to consider the waste that is created in the manufacturing of the products, the effects on the environment when you use the products, and the waste that is created when you are done with the products. That may seem like a lot to think about but if you follow these simple guidelines, you will be able to minimize the negative impact your office equipment has on the environment.

The manufacturing of electronics uses a lot of resources including electricity, raw materials, and water. Electronics also account for billions of pounds of municipal waste each year. Just a few of the contaminants that electronics create are toxic heavy metals, lead, PCB's, mercury, and various acids. To lessen your office's affect on the number of new pieces of equipment that are manufactured, as well as end up in land fills, buy all-in-one machines that combine multiple functions into one. Whenever possible, get rid of machines completely by using services such as Internet fax. With an Internet fax service you get rid of the fax machine completely, as well as reduce the amount of paper and ink that gets consumed. Another way to decrease waste is to recycle machines that are no longer working and donate those that do to charities where they will stay in use.

25% of the total electricity used by all commercial buildings in the US is consumed by office buildings. When buying any new office equipment, look for Energy Star certified machines. This will make a huge difference in the amount of electricity that is used to run your office. For example, an Energy Star certified computer is going to be 52% more efficient than a standard one. Laptops also use a lot less energy than desktops, so consider whether this is a viable option for your office. Energy efficient machines are also going to have stand by options that will power down or go into sleep mode to conserve energy when not in use. Once the office is closing for the day, make sure that all equipment is powered off.

Taking these steps will get you on your way to going green in your office. And as I promised, they will help you make a significant impact without significant cost or inconvenience to you and your employees. And you thought going green was going to be hard.

Article Source:

About the Author:

Brandi Cummings is an expert author on various topics relating to small and home based businesses. Take the first step to going green in your office and visit for Internet fax solutions.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Work at home and save gas!

Working at Home Mom has tons of ways to make money at home.

Friday, August 17, 2007

A Simple Way To Offset the Environmental Effects of Driving Your Car

by Debra Lynn Dadd

We all love our cars. They give us the freedom to come and go as we please, to get to work, to visit family and friends, to go shopping...on our own schedule. But automobiles also effect the environment by polluting the air we breathe and, in the larger scope of life, by creating unusual and unnatural climate changes.

But there is a simple thing you can do to offset the negative environmental effects of driving your car, and It costs less than $100 per year.

How Driving Your Car Affects the Environment
If you drive a standard American automobile, your car emits about 12,000 pounds of carbon dioxide (CO2) every year. That's three times the weight of the car! If you drive an SUV, your car emits around 20,000 pounds of CO2 each year.

CO2 is a major "greenhouse gas." Back around 1800, before there were cars and industry, the CO2-concentration in the air was about 280 ppm (1 ppm CO2= one molecule of CO2 per one million molecules of air). Today, as the result of human activities, the CO2-concentration in the air is about 370 ppm, and increasing by 1.7 ppm every year. And we're adding CO2 faster than it decomposes. Every molecule of CO2 we add to the atmosphere stays there for about 100 years.

Many scientists are warning that this increase in CO2 is raising the average temperature of the planet, known as the "greenhouse effect." The widely respected WorldWatch Institute has warned that severe climate change could include major shifts in weather patterns and agricultural zones, resulting in droughts and floods. A wide range of human and natural systems could be disrupted, displacing long-standing economic and social systems as well as established ecosystems. In fact, it has already contributed to thinning Arctic ice levels, threatening the habitats of polar bears and other local animals.

Twenty percent of the carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere every year comes from driving cars. That is a significant percentage. This won't be changed by international protocols or government regulations. But each one of us can make a difference by reducing our own CO2 emissions.

What You Can Do to Reduce CO2 Emissions Produced by Driving Your Car
CO2 emissions come primarily from the burning of fossil fuels for energy. When you drive your car, use public transportation, use electricity in your home or at work, or fly on an airplane, you are contributing CO2 emissions into the air. Most consumer products you buy are made with energy from burning fossil fuels that produce CO2.

But there are also other ways to make energy. Renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and biomass are called "clean" energy sources because they don't produce CO2.

Today, various products are available that allow you to offset the CO2 you produce by purchasing an equivalent amount of energy from renewable sources that do not produce CO2. This CO2-free energy flows into a local or national grid, eliminating the need to burn fossil fuels that would create the same amount of CO2. So while your car is still adding CO2 to the atmosphere, your purchase of renewable energy is subtracting the same amount of CO2 that would have gone into the atmosphere someplace else.

TerraPass is one organization that provides a program to purchase renewable energy to offset the CO2 produced by your car. You simply choose the TerraPass that corresponds to the type of car and number of miles you drive. Terra Pass guarantees the money from your membership will result in a reduction of carbon dioxide that counterbalances the pollution from your car through the purchase of renewable energy certificates. You get a TerraPass decal for your car and the good feeling that you are doing something to keep our climate as nature intended.

My husband and I each purchased a TerraPass for our cars. A TerraPass for my husband's efficient Geo Metro was only $39.95/year and my TerraPass for my Honda Del Sol was $49.95/year. A small price to pay to do something real and practical to protect our beautiful planet.

For more information on TerraPass and other programs that allow you to offset your energy use with renewable power, visit

Hailed as "The Queen of Green" by the New York Times, Debra Lynn Dadd has been a leading consumer advocate for products and lifestyle choices that are better for health and the environment since 1982. Visit her website to learn more about her new book Home Safe Home, to sign up for her free email newsletters, and to browse 100s of links to 1000s of nontoxic, natural and earthwise products.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

A Guide to Global Warming

Temperature change is a normal occurrence that is happening in the planet that we live in, but the varying temperature patterns seen lately has been linked to the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, more simply known as Global Warming. Even though there were changes in the temperatures in the early ages of our planet, it was considered to be normal. But, the evolution of industries and factories in the early 1900’s has brought a wide change in the temperature patterns that are causing a lot of concern to the researches and scientists. The main factor attributing to global warming is the emission of polluting gases like carbon dioxide, methane etc into the atmosphere. By definition, Global warming is the increase in the average temperature that gradually warms the Earth’s atmosphere.

Global warming is a phenomenon that has been on the rise all these years. But, in the last century, the rise in the temperature levels has been alarming. The studies that have been conducted to find out the increase in the atmospheric temperature have been attributed to the greenhouse gas concentrations, volcanoes and solar variations. The increase in the temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere will cause severe climatic changes and weather condition changes. The main cause of global warming is the emission of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. It is well known that every tree takes in carbon dioxide from the air during its growing process and it gives out carbon dioxide when it dies or the wood decays. In the last decade, many trees have been felled and woods burnt and these acts have further added to the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

The effects of global warming are even more alarming. If no action is taken to prevent or subsidies the effect of global warming, it will prove to be catastrophic. Already a few facts have come out regarding the ill effects of global warming on this planet. The Kilimanjaro glaciers have been melting so rapidly that the mountain lost a quarter of its ice from 2000 to 2006. There have been reports that the glaciers in the Andes Mountains are also melting rapidly. The massive melting of these glaciers is evidence that the world is getting too warm too fast.

The following are the facts about the effects of global warming on this planet - average surface temperature has increased by about 0.6 C over the past 100 years; sea level has risen by 10 to 20 cm over the past 100 years; increase in the atmospheric carbon dioxide of about 75% annually due to the burning of fossils, while 25% is attributed to changes in the land use like deforestation, overgrazing and over cultivation; precipitation has increased in some land areas and deceased in other areas; increase in the droughts in areas like Asia and Africa; major flooding in different areas and more recently Tsunami that caused havoc to life and property in many parts of the world.

The major cause for this global warming to occur on this Earth is considered to be man made and its effects can only be drastically reduced or erased from this planet, if each and every one of us drives ourselves to this common cause. Global warming in this planet can be significantly reduced if we reduce the emission of carbon dioxide and other polluting gases into the atmosphere, stopping deforestation and starting re-forestation, minimal use of non renewable energy and using renewable energy sources in your homes and offices.

Global Warming is very real, and its here. Many of us still are ignorant of the crashing effects of climate change and global warming, visit the Global Warming Pages for more info at

Monday, August 13, 2007

Solar Panels For Everyone

Solar Panels for Everyone

by Debra Lynn Dadd

I live in Clearwater, Florida, sometimes called Florida's Sunshine Capital because of our amazing 361 sunny days a year. Yet, even with all this free, abundant, non-polluting sunshine, virtually all homes and businesses are powered with fossil fuels.

I've not seen a single solar panel in the five years I have lived here. Why? I would venture to say it's because most homeowners can't afford the $20,000 to $40,000 needed to install the solar panels and all the accoutrements required for a solar system. And even if money is not an issue, most people are daunted by the process of choosing solar panels, designing a system, finding an installer, and going through all the permitting and inspection. And then, if something goes wrong what do you do?

All these hindrances to solar power may be coming to an end with an innovative solar power program from a new company called Citizenre REnU. They plan to rent solar systems--all you pay for is the power produced. Solar energy will be accessible to everyone who lives in a state that offers net metering (we have it here in Florida) for the mere investment of what it costs for you to pay your local utility company every month.

The company's plan is to make their own solar panels, send an engineer to your home to take all the measurements and design a system for you that will meet 100% of your energy needs, then install and even maintain the system for you.

The first step is to reserve your system online. Then you sign and submit a Forward Rental Agreement (which you can cancel at any time without penalty), and you will be officially placed in line for installation.

You don't pay a penny until a Citizenre engineer actually has solar panels in the warehouse ready to install. Once you agree to the AutoCAD design for your home, a $500 (refundable, interest-bearing) security deposit is due, and the installation process begins, all handled by Citizenre.

In addition, they will lock in your electricity rate for up to 25 years at the same rate you paid last year to your utility. Just imagine saving more and more money on your electric bill each year as rates go up.

Sound too good to be true? Of course, there are naysayers. There are always some who are skeptical about anything new. But my opinion is that this is a great idea. It opens the door for solar power to really expand. If they can't pull it off, consumers haven't lost any money. But if they can...

First installations won't be until sometime in 2008. Currently you can sign up to be put on a list for installations, which can be cancelled at any time, with no financial obligation until the plans are drawn up just before installation. Sign up now and you will be first on your block with affordable solar energy when installation begins.

To get on the waiting list for installations, visit

Hailed as "The Queen of Green" by the New York Times, Debra Lynn Dadd has been a leading consumer advocate for products and lifestyle choices that are better for health and the environment since 1982. Visit her website to learn more about her book Home Safe Home, to sign up for her free email newsletters, and to browse 100s of links to 1000s of nontoxic, natural and earthwise products.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Sustainable Living

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Friday, August 10, 2007

What's Green Living all About?

Increasingly we find ourselves beset by problems that seem beyond our control; global warming, GM Foods, animal testing, the spread of factory farming, the arms trade and human rights abuses, to list but a few. Shoppers are often left feeling helpless, the typical response being theres nothing I can do.
But you can by shopping in an Ethical way. Put simply, this is buying things that are made ethically by companies that act ethically. Buying ethically means buying a brand or from a company which doesn’t exploit labour, animals or the environment. The way in which you can act as an ethical consumer can also take on a different form and that is avoiding products (also known as boycotting) you disapprove of such as battery eggs.
Everyone needs to go shopping in one way or another. As an ethical consumer, every time you buy something you can make a difference by choosing an ethical product or by buying from an ethical business.
For example, when you buy from a company that doesnt exploit its workers and provides them with decent working conditions, you are giving the company the funds to continue its ethical behavior. At the same time, you are no longer buying from a company that exploits its labour with poor pay and often a dangerous working environment. That company then loses business, which may encourage it to change its ways and to look after its workers.
Very simply, sustainable and green living is taking what we need, but leaving enough so there will always be more & better for everyone else for generations to come- a sustainable green lifestyle. For many green living can contain one or more of the following:
• Eating and buying as much organic, fair trade, locally produced and home grown food and non-food as possible.• Eating a healthy and balanced diet often with less or no meat.• Join a discussion group on the net or in person so that you know you’re not alone in this green quest.• Using less energy in the home and at work. By turning off appliances instead of leaving them on standby we can make a huge difference together.• Replacing worn out clothing with organic, fair trade or second hand clothes• By walking or cycling as much as possible instead of driving.• Cooking more meals at home in place of fast food.• In the home buying energy efficient appliances and from ethical companies were possible. The ethical consumer and the Good Shopping Guide are leading the way with this information in the UK. Coop America in the USA.• On that level, sustainable living is practical, and workable. • Work for an employer that is family friendly and respects your views. Not like the larger companies where you are often a statistic.
We can work endless hours to fix everything that's wrong in our daily lives including obsessing about living the perfect green lifestyle, and there will always be things we're not doing, or not doing right. The feeling of guilt will be there if we don’t recycle enough or buy a pair of jeans made in a Asian sweatshop because we are particularly poor that month. We just have to work and try to move in the right direction no matter how slow we move. Its the direction thats important.
Davinos Greeno works for the organic directory. This green directory lists 100s of Organic Food and Drink Companies and Eco Jobs and Campaigning Videos

Solar Powered Clothes Dryer!

This was the best thing that I ever done, was to get a clothes dryer. I got one at Wal-Mart that kind of makes me think of an umbrella , the way that it opens up etc. You just stick it in the ground and open it up and hang your wet clothes to dry. Mine is big enough that it holds 3 loads of clothes at once.
This cost me $38.00 ,but it has more than 100 times over paid for itself. It saves a ton energy!

We Are Living Green!!

I love the planet and the people living on it!
I have created this blog to share ways to live "green" and tips on how you can do your part to help the earth.
I am a work at home mom who does her share. I recycle, use solar power, and more. I will share it on here.

Every little bit helps!